Coordinated Entry Resources
Kenosha Human Development Services – (262) 764-8555
Shalom Center – (262) 658-1713 (ext. 131-families) (ext. 130-singles)
Sharing Center – (262) 298-5535
Women and Children Horizon’s – (262) 652-9900
The Coordinated Entry System is the process available to people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness that identifies and assesses needs and makes referral and prioritization decisions for homeless/housing programs and community resources based upon those needs.
Homeless/Housing Program Referrals available through the Coordinated Entry Process
- Emergency Solutions Grant Coronavirus Prevention Program (ESG-CVP)
- Permanent Supportive Housing Project
- Rapid Rehousing Projects
- Mainstream Voucher Program
Hours Available:
Call any Coordinated Entry Provider listed above for assistance
After Business Hours call Crisis Intervention – 262-657-7188
If you would like to learn more about your agency becoming a Coordinated Entry Provider, please click on the link
Coordinated Entry is a way people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness may find housing and get connected to resources in their community. In most counties in Wisconsin, you can get help at agencies that assist homeless people and/or people in poverty.
Are you eligible? You might be eligible if your primary nighttime residence is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for people, including a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, camping ground; OR living in a emergency or domestic violence shelter.
If you have suggestion, wish to report errors or have questions about the website please send us an email